There is a lot of money to be made from stocks and shares but the only hitch is nobody knows a sure fire way of a method. Let us now see some of the basics of stocks and shares. You can earn money in two ways by investing in stocks and shares. One is trading and the other is investing.
Buying and selling stocks, shares, futures and options over a short period of time is known as trading. If you buy shares, stocks, futures and options and retain them for a longer period of time then it is known as investing.
Besides the above, there is no get rich quick scheme which works. If such schemes work then almost everybody would be a millionaire. Money can be made by selling stocks and shares but it cannot be done quickly by buying and selling without reason. The patient, careful and intelligent investors definitely make big profits in the stock market when compared to the overeager and reckless speculator.
Stocks and shares should be bought when their prices are low and wait for the price to rise to earn a decent profit over a longer period of time.
A prudent investor should not worry about the downs and ups and look for the long-term cycles. If these simple principals are not followed, there is not going to be any profit for an investor.
Presuming it is going to fetch more money, never buy a stock or share when the price is going up, it is wrong. If the peak price is reached at the time of buying then the investor will be holding a stock or share of which its price will be slowly sliding down and you will ultimately end up with a loss
There are certain golden rules to be followed when investing money in stocks. Never invest more than three percent of the total portfolio in one stock. Over time, a successful investor should make all efforts to protect the capital base.
When a wrong decision is made, accept it and cut down the loss immediately by five to fifteen percent rather than wait for more time thinking the situation will improve. Follow the performance of the stock and never deviate from the “stop loss point” to limit the loss in case the stock does not perform up to the expected standard. Find more info at
Never set price targets. Stick on to one style of trading instead of following various trading methods. The performance of a stock or share is reflected in the volume and price it is traded. Never get influenced by the opinions expressed by individuals.
Take note of all the signals emanating from the market which is connected with the stock or share you are holding. Do not get swayed by variations in data during the trading day. Reliance on such swings will lead to wrong decisions. A trader who is stressed out will be making a lot of wrong decisions, so take time out periodically during the day.
Lucy Bartlett is a proud contributing author. Find m